Monday, October 19, 2009

Onion Chutney

The most traditional south indian breakfast are Idli and Dosa. For the matter, any breakfast say paddu, akki roti, adai dosai, neer dosai we need a side dish. When we decide on what are we going to prepare for breakfast, the next thing to think is what will be the side dish?
Here we go with a whole variety of chutney's which would go very well with any south indian breakfast.
Onion Chutney
1. Onion - 4 medium sized
2. Tomato - 2 medium sized
3. Red Chilly - 4
4. Tamarind - 1 inch piece
5. Salt to Taste
6. Oil - 2 tbsp
7. Mustard - 1/4 tbsp
8. Urad Da1 - 1 tbsp
9. Asafoetida - 1/4 tbsp
10. Curry leaves - 5 to 6 leaves
Heat oil in a pan. Add mustard, urad dal and let it splitter. Add asafoetida. Now add all the remaining ingredients and fry. Keep stirring it continously till the onions turn brown and tomoatos are completely cooked. When all the water from tomato is dried up, remove the pan from heat.Let it cool. Grind it and serve with idli or dosa.
More varieties of chutney's to follow :)

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